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الاستاذ/احمد جابر الشربينى

الاستاذ/احمد جابر الشربينى

    تحميل متصفح الملايين Internet Explorer 9.0 Platform Preview 3 1.9.7 فى أخر إصدار


    المساهمات : 117
    تاريخ التسجيل : 29/08/2010

    تحميل متصفح الملايين Internet Explorer 9.0 Platform Preview 3 1.9.7 فى أخر إصدار  Empty تحميل متصفح الملايين Internet Explorer 9.0 Platform Preview 3 1.9.7 فى أخر إصدار

    مُساهمة  Admin الأحد سبتمبر 26, 2010 12:34 pm

    Internet Explorer 9.0 Platform Preview 3 1.9.7
    [img]تحميل متصفح الملايين Internet Explorer 9.0 Platform Preview 3 1.9.7 فى أخر إصدار  Intern10[/img]
    The Platform Preview is an early look at the Internet Explorer 9 platform so some features are incomplete, some may change, and some may be added. Microsoft asks that you refrain from providing feedback on features where noted that they are either partially implemented or not available. Microsoft is aware of their condition and will provide updates in future releases. Similarly, for known issues, Microsoft is also aware of their existence and are actively working on them. Using and setting the home page. The default home page of the Platform Preview is the Internet Explorer 9 Test Drive site, which you can use to see demos for and information about the new Internet Explorer 9 platform. You can press F10 at any time to go to your home page. To change your homepage, right click the Internet Explorer Platform Preview icon in the Start menu and choose Properties. In the Target field on the Shortcut tab add your home page URL to the end of the path

    بيئة عمل البرنامج
    Windows : Vista / 7

    إصدار المتصفح
    25 / 6 / 2010

    Size : 16 MB


      الوقت/التاريخ الآن هو الأربعاء يوليو 03, 2024 4:27 am